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brian taylor

steve bohrer ... one of my few best friends !!! happy birthday you stud
c++ programmer for cisco
says "comprehension is the root of all evil."

steve bohrer

mouse over this
mouse over photo to see who the real darth vader is 

bohrs 1998 virtual birthday card

1996 new years

3 ski amigo's:  bohrs, mirante, bt

bohrs, hozer, flower, bt playing cards 1997

holzgraf, nghiem, bohrs, juan, bt - 1997

bohrer, bt, brook lang - new years, whistler b.c. - 1997

bohrs & bt 11-19-98

bohrs & char 11-19-98

bohrs & char watch bt do back flip 11-19-98

nghiem, mattyg, bt, allan, meg, keith, bohrs - 1998

brook, dave, steve bohrer - leaving for whistler - 1998

1994 pic - bohrs in computer

1994 pic - bohrs in movie poster

1994 pic - bohrs with bt & nghiem in utah

1994 pic - bohrs with bt, babe & nghiem in utah

1996 pic - bohrs & bt in leavenworth

1996 pic - bohrs & bt in las vegas

1998 pic - bohrs, mirante, bt in sun valley

1998 pic - bohrs, mirante, meg, bt, peter in sun valley

good job :)

brian taylor ... web site developer & search engine promoter - free meta tag generator
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